lit lover book

reflections of an ever-evolving educator

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Back again

So far, I've been pretty remiss in keeping up this blog. Between the self-censorship issue and my mom's health, blogging has taken a backseat in the past couple of months. However, it's a new year, a new semester, and I'm determined to do better.

I'm very excited about what's going on in my classes right now. I've created a class blog and today I took my little freshmen into the Writing Lab to introduce them to it. Amazingly, out of almost 60 students, only 1 had even a vague idea of what a blog is. I was truly surprised. I guess the term has not trickled down to my freshmen yet--it seemed last year that many of my seniors were maintaining their own blogs and reading those of their friends. But I'm determined to blend blogging into my teaching practice this semester. This is the trial run, so I feel sure I'll make lots of mistakes along the way. But I do love trying something new.

If you'd like to take a look at what's going on with my classroom blogs so far, be my guest! But please, preserve my anonymity on this site (I really don't want my students reading my blog reflecting on my teaching and them). I'm open to any suggestions about incorporating blogs into the classroom, so comment away!


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